Hidden Brook Farm Riding Clinic

Come and learn the principles of riding with energy that are taught at Hidden Brook Farm.  Recently, Hidden Brook owner, Pam LeBlanc studied Centered Riding in Maine.  She has integrated the principles of Centered Riding along with the energetic principles already in use at Hidden Brook Farm - and together - these principles can have […]


Centered Riding Clinic

Come and learn the principles of Centered riding with energy that are taught at Hidden Brook Farm.  Certified Centered Riding Instructor, Pam LeBlanc studied Centered Riding in Greene, Maine.  She has integrated the principles of Centered Riding along with the energetic principles already in use at Hidden Brook Farm - and together - these principles can […]


Karuna Reiki Masters course taught by Karuna Reiki masters: Pamela Allen-LeBlanc and Tannis Beardmore

Reiki masters who have been practicing for at least 6 months are eligible to attend this class.This class is the next step after Reiki Master and is complete with two levels, two attunements, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. William Lee Rand has experimented with and taught this system for over 11 years and has […]

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