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Usui/Holy Fire II ART and Reiki Master-Teacher (levels 3&4)

December 5, 2016 @ 1:00 pm - December 7, 2016 @ 9:00 pm


Usui HolICRTassociatesLogo4y Fire II ART and Reiki Master-Teacher class (Shinpiden)

9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Please bring a lunch, a journal, a water bottle and a pair of slippers.

| $975

What is Holy Fire Reiki?   In January 2014, a new energy, Holy Fire presented itself to my teacher, William Rand.  This was a more refined energy and contained a higher level of consiousness than Reiki had previously contained.  The attunement process was replaced with an ignition process where the energy no longer needed to lower it’s vibration to pass through the teacher, but instead interacted directly with the student.  Because of this, the system became easier to learn and yet works better than any healing method we had been aware of.  Holy Fire energy is passed on at Master/Teacher level or level 4.  In the winter of 2016, the vibration of the Holy Fire Energy rose again, and was dubbed Holy Fire II.

Are you ready?  The Reiki Master level was traditionally taught as one class by Mrs. Takata but several years ago, my teacher, William Rand and several other teachers broke up the Master level teaching, so that those who did not want to teach, could still receive the Master symbol for their healing work by studying level 3 Reiki or Advanced Reiki Training (in our system).  Because it now takes 3 full days to receive the full benefits of Holy Fire and because Holy Fire energy is incredibly benificial and it only available at level 4, William has asked that we go back to teaching ART and Master/Teacher together.  He said if someone is ready for the more advanced energy of the Master symbol, they should consider that they are also ready for their Master/Teacher course and the really advanced energy available with Holy Fire.  He also said no-one has been disappointed with the Holy Fire energy or course and indicated that even if a person does not want to teach, they will gain a lot from this energy and so should   Some of the attributes of

My Reiki Journey.  I was first introduced to Reiki by a riding student in 2009 when I was having significant difficuties because of allergies that traditional medicine was not able to help me with.  Reiki helped and I was intrigued.  Intrigued enough to start my own studies – despite the fact that I am a scientist who always looks to scientific explanation first.  It was good that science and traditional medicine were unable to help me with my problems, or I never would have pursued my Reiki journey.  Medicine could not help though, and treatments with my riding student really helped.  So I studied Reiki 1&2 from Ellen Hawkins in 2010.  I was amazed at how quickly Reiki took care of my allergy issues.  But in addition to that, Reiki brought so much more to my life.  Peace.  Understanding.  An overall feeling of well being.  It reduced the chronic pain I have experienced ever since a car accident in my 20’s.  It gave me more energy, but a peaceful, loving type to draw from and it seemed to make life flow more effortlessly.  In 2011, I studied level 3 Reiki with Pam Nadeau who predicted I would go on to study with the well known Reiki Master, author and president of the International Center for Reiki Training, William Lee Rand in England.  As much as I wanted to believe that was true, it was highly unlikely.  I had recently started my own business, and after making a rather large investment in a riding arena, the economy took a hit, and financially, I could barely afford the Reiki 3 fee much less a trip to England and the cost of attending the Master course.

Pam Nadeau was right though.  An unexpected check arrived which was just about the amount of the class in England ($15 difference) which made me think perhaps I was supposed to go.  It did nothing to quell my nerves though as I wondered if William would find me worthy of studying with him or studying the Master level of Reiki.  Fortunately, he did not send me home, and we have gone on to become friends and colleagues in the course of my work.  I am fortunate to have studied with William for 4 different Masters courses and learned a lot each and every time!  After my Usui Reiki Master class in Glastonbury (Avalon), England, our Master attunement took place in the Stone Circle of Stonehenge in May of 2011.  At that time, I really did not plan to teach.  People were difficult for me to understand and I struggled to work with them.  I came to realize that this is because I am an empath and draw in other people’s negative energy.  When I learned to use Reiki to clear myself regularly and to even shield myself in certain situations, this dramatically improved.  I had never even heard the word empath before this, but now mostly teach students with this unique ability.  On my way home on the plane after having had the most experience of my life (aside from the birth of my children), I realized that I did enjoy people and had to start teaching them.  How could I keep this remarkable energy and opportunity to heal away from them?  How could I not.

I was recognized as Professional Member of the ICRT and taught my first Reiki class June 21 that same year.  In May 2013, I was ready to study Karuna Reiki with William in Glens Falls, NY  and was guided to go back to NY in April 2015 to learn Holy Fire Karuna Reiki.  While Holy Fire is difficult to integrate when you first study it, as it is SO large and so powerful, it is absolutely effortless to use and well worth the time it takes to integrate.  The winter of 2016, William shared Holy Fire II with those of us who were already Holy Fire Reiki Masters.  Once again, the vibration of the energy went higher, beyond anything I thought possible here in the physical world.  In an effort to understand the changes better, I went to Boston in the Spring of 2016 and studied the Usui Holy Fire II Reiki Masters course with William and am currently enjoying using this extremely powerful energy in my work.  We have been fortunate to have achieved success with a variety of diseases such as cancer, PTSD, concussions, allergies, thyroid issues, auto-immune diseases, etc.  And we have also had tremendous success with surgery recovery, stress reduction, overwhelm, burn-out, etc.  The list goes on.

During the course of our work, and after discussing the approach with William in England, we developed a rather unique approach with animals.  Ellen helped me see that animals often wanted an attunement/placement so that they have their own Reiki to work with.  Ellen attuned my horses to level 1 Reiki and I noticed a huge difference in them.  As an animal communicator myself, I understood that my horses were not unique.  Many animals wanted and benfited from receiving Reiki themselves.  I did not realize this was such a unique approach until William asked me to write an article on our work for the Reiki News Magazine in 2013.  Although I was incredibly nervous and intimidated about writing this article, “HorsesThatHeal” was published in the Fall issue, took our approach around the world and I received incredible feedback.  With anything new however, humans usually do not want to change. And so while the majority of the feedback from this approach was positive, a few well known Reiki Masters were very public in criticizing the approach.  It caused me to ask the horses their opinion.  And fortified with that, when William asked if I would like to write additional articles helping more people understand the approach, I was game.  Since then, we were published in the Fall 2015 issue with “Reiki Animals part 1”, in the Winter 2015 issue with “Reiki Animals part 2” And the Spring 2016 issue with “Receiving Reiki from Reiki Animals”.  This article was recently quoted by veterinarian, Dr. Keith Weingardt in Colleen Benelli’s Reikichat!  He said it changed the way he practices Reiki in his veterinary practice!  I love it.  Our first 3 articles were recently published in a book entitled “Reiki Animals”  We feel to blessed to be in a position to bring this important work to the world.



Reiki is an ancient system of channeling life force energy into a gentle, harmless, natural system of healing, balancing, energizing and relaxation.  You can experience Reiki through a treatment or you can take a class so that you can become proficient in administering Reiki to yourself, your friends and family and clients.  It is recommended to experience at least one Reiki treatment prior to taking a Reiki class. 

Reiki Master, Pam Allen-LeBlanc of Hidden Brook decided to study with  world renowned Reiki Master, William Rand in Glastonbury England and received her Master attunement in the inner circle of Stonehenge.  The Reiki Master passes on their lineage to Reiki students, and she felt this would link both she and her students to a very strong Reiki lineage.  Pam is a Professional Reiki Master with the International Center for Reiki training and recently published an article on her work with Reiki and horses in the fall issue of the Internationally circulated Reiki magazine!  You can read the article here:  Pam is also a certified Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master.

Reiki 3 (Shinpidin) brings Reiki to a new level with the master healer symbol.  It is taught in accordance with William Lee Rand’s curriculum which also includes Japanese Reiki techniques and Auric Cleansing or Psychic Surgery .  Less intense than the level 2 Reiki class, there is none the less a huge shift in energy and participants find their healing abilities truly enter a master level with regular practice after this course.  Level 3 can be studied when a person is guided to study it – but participants must have had at least 6 months at the level 2 level prior to studying level 3.  The Reiki Masters can be completed immediately after level 3 if desired.  Cost of class is $320.

Sign up for this class now, email pam@hiddenbrook.ca

Reiki is an ancient system of channeling life force energy into a gentle, harmless, natural system of healing, balancing, energizing and relaxation.  You can experience Reiki through a treatment or you can take a class so that you can become proficient in administering Reiki to yourself, your friends and family and clients.  It is recommended to experience at least one Reiki treatment prior to taking a Reiki class. 

Reiki Master, Pam Allen-LeBlanc of Hidden Brook decided to study with  world renowned Reiki Master, William Rand in Glastonbury England and received her Master attunement in the inner circle of Stonehenge.  The Reiki Master passes on their lineage to Reiki students, and she felt this would link both she and her students to a very strong Reiki lineage.  Pam is a Professional Reiki Master with the International Center for Reiki training and recently published an article on her work with Reiki and horses in the fall issue of the Internationally circulated Reiki magazine!  You can read the article here: HorsesThatHeal Pam is also a certified Karuna Reiki Master.

Reiki 4 (Shinpiden) or Reiki Masters can be studied immediately after Reiki 3 if desired.  It allows students to teach Reiki and attune others.  It is taught in accordance with William Lee Rand’s curriculum which also includes Japanese Reiki techniques.  The class is beautiful.  And sharing Reiki with others – priceless!  I do require that people taking their Reiki Masters with us also study Reiki level 3 with us – so that they can truly teach William Lee Rand and the ICRT’s curriculum.  Cost of the class is $555. and it runs over 3 days (you are asked to repeat level 3 at no additional charge if you already have level 3.

Sign up for this class now, email pam@hiddenbrook.ca

To pay for this class, please send an email transfer to the address above, bring a check or cash to the class.  Or if you wish to pay with PayPal please click here:  Preview Image

Or you can use the PayPal button on our Hidden Brook Farm newsletter.  To sign up for our newsletter click here: Sign up for our emails! or use the scan code below:


Generally, once you sign up for the class – and especially when you pay, your energy starts to shift to get ready to move to a higher frequency so if you experience brief health issues or discomfort, please be aware that it is your body shifting.

For a bit more information about Reiki, check out our Hidden Brook Reiki brochure or the article Shop Fredericton published on us in February, 2015 available below:


Before you attend a class, you can prepare for the Reiki attunement if you would like it to go as deep as possible with some of these ideas:  PreparingforaReikiAttunementJun2011

Finally, before you attend a class here are a few things you should know:

Congratulations for making this big step into your future!

Please bring a journal to the class.  Something nice and even new – that you like writing in if you wish to signify a new beginning with a new journal.  Reiki works in such a wonderful but gentle way that although it changes your life a day at a time, it’s a great idea to try and chart your progress and to begin with the class.  Please also bring a bottle of water- it’s important to stay well hydrated throughout the day.

Fruit, herbal teas and fresh water will be available throughout the day.  As energies shift, we tend to be really hungry – and thirsty!

The class runs from 9:00am – 5:00pm.

In the original Reiki ideals, Dr. Usui says that Reiki is “The secret art of inviting happiness” and “The miraculous medicine of all diseases”.  It is known as a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.  It was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s.  Reiki combines Rei or Spiritual Wisdom with Ki or Life Energy – with some amazing results.  Reiki can never cause harm.  It never depletes your energy.  Anyone can learn it.  And once you have been attuned, whether you choose to use it or not, it will be with you for the rest of your life.

Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques  are taught.  The ability is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during an attunement process.  During the attunement, the Rei or God Consciousness makes adjustments in the student’s chakras and energy pathways and links the student to the Reiki source.  An attunement is very powerful energetically, and from the moment you sign up for this class, your energy will start to shift and move toward this higher frequency.  Sometimes, when this happens, the shift can be uncomfortable and we can even become physically ill prior to the class as the body begins to shift and shed illness and energy that it no longer needs and move to the higher, healing frequency.  Please do your best to get to that first class anyway.  You will find that the illness is short lived.  And the Reiki class and attunement well worth it!

You can do a few things to help the attunement go “deeper” into your consciousness if you wish.  This is not necessary – but does facilitate a more powerful attunement if you choose to observe the guidelines.  Take 2-3 days prior to the class as a technology free time if possible.  Refrain from computer and TV use and do not listen to the news or read the newspaper.  If you can eat whole foods and limit caffeine and alcohol too, it is recommended.  And if you really want to detox prior to the weekend, Mrs. Takata (who brought Reiki to North America) has a juice blend she mixes up and drinks – with one 2” beet, 1 Tbsp watercress, 2 stalks of celery, 1 med. Carrot and 2 cups purified or spring water.  If you have Reiki already – you can send Reiki into this mixture prior to chopping it at high speed in a blender.  This blend is supposed to purify the blood and detoxify the liver, gallbladder and lungs – but caution should be used with it as it is a powerful detoxifier.  My Reiki Master, William Lee Rand recommends drinking small amounts and waiting for an hour or more to see how your body responds to it.  I drink this mixture occasionally – and it is powerful.  I can generally only drink about 1/3 of the mixture per day.

I look forward to sharing the gift of Reiki with you!


A few Reiki photos from left to right:  1) The symbol for Reiki 2) Dr. Usui – the founder of Reiki 3) Dr. Hayashi – an early Reiki Master 4) Mrs. Takata – brought Reiki to North America 5) my Reiki master, William Lee Rand 6) My Reiki class from Stonehenge 7) sharing Reiki with a horse and 8) my Reiki lineage

Picture8   Picture21   Picture22   Picture23   William_Lee_Rand   group picture at Stonehenge   Fredericton-20120903-00111Reiki Lineage


December 5, 2016 @ 1:00 pm
December 7, 2016 @ 9:00 pm
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